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# V1beta1DeviceClassSpec
DeviceClassSpec is used in a [DeviceClass] to define what can be allocated and how to configure it.
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**config** | [**list[V1beta1DeviceClassConfiguration]**](V1beta1DeviceClassConfiguration.md) | Config defines configuration parameters that apply to each device that is claimed via this class. Some classses may potentially be satisfied by multiple drivers, so each instance of a vendor configuration applies to exactly one driver. They are passed to the driver, but are not considered while allocating the claim. | [optional]
**selectors** | [**list[V1beta1DeviceSelector]**](V1beta1DeviceSelector.md) | Each selector must be satisfied by a device which is claimed via this class. | [optional]
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