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# V1ConfigMapNodeConfigSource
ConfigMapNodeConfigSource contains the information to reference a ConfigMap as a config source for the Node. This API is deprecated since 1.22: https://git.k8s.io/enhancements/keps/sig-node/281-dynamic-kubelet-configuration
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**kubelet_config_key** | **str** | KubeletConfigKey declares which key of the referenced ConfigMap corresponds to the KubeletConfiguration structure This field is required in all cases. |
**name** | **str** | Name is the metadata.name of the referenced ConfigMap. This field is required in all cases. |
**namespace** | **str** | Namespace is the metadata.namespace of the referenced ConfigMap. This field is required in all cases. |
**resource_version** | **str** | ResourceVersion is the metadata.ResourceVersion of the referenced ConfigMap. This field is forbidden in Node.Spec, and required in Node.Status. | [optional]
**uid** | **str** | UID is the metadata.UID of the referenced ConfigMap. This field is forbidden in Node.Spec, and required in Node.Status. | [optional]
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