# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import unittest import uuid from kubernetes import watch from kubernetes.client import api_client from kubernetes.client.api import core_v1_api from kubernetes.e2e_test import base def short_uuid(): id = str(uuid.uuid4()) return id[-12:] def config_map_with_value(name, value): return { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "ConfigMap", "metadata": { "name": name, "labels": {"e2e-tests": "true"}, }, "data": { "key": value, "config": "dummy", } } class TestClient(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.config = base.get_e2e_configuration() def test_watch_configmaps(self): client = api_client.ApiClient(configuration=self.config) api = core_v1_api.CoreV1Api(client) # create a configmap name_a = 'configmap-a-' + short_uuid() configmap_a = config_map_with_value(name_a, "a") api.create_namespaced_config_map( body=configmap_a, namespace='default') # list all configmaps and extract the resource version resp = api.list_namespaced_config_map('default', label_selector="e2e-tests=true") rv = resp.metadata.resource_version # create another configmap name_b = 'configmap-b-' + short_uuid() configmap_b = config_map_with_value(name_b, "b") api.create_namespaced_config_map( body=configmap_b, namespace='default') # patch configmap b configmap_b['data']['config'] = "{}" api.patch_namespaced_config_map( name=name_b, namespace='default', body=configmap_b) # delete all configmaps api.delete_collection_namespaced_config_map( namespace='default', label_selector="e2e-tests=true") w = watch.Watch() # expect to observe all events happened after the initial LIST expect = ['ADDED', 'MODIFIED', 'DELETED', 'DELETED'] i = 0 # start watching with the resource version we got from the LIST for event in w.stream(api.list_namespaced_config_map, namespace='default', resource_version=rv, timeout_seconds=5, label_selector="e2e-tests=true"): self.assertEqual(event['type'], expect[i]) # Kubernetes doesn't guarantee the order of the two objects # being deleted if i < 2: self.assertEqual(event['object'].metadata.name, name_b) i = i + 1 self.assertEqual(i, 4)