# V1ModifyVolumeStatus

ModifyVolumeStatus represents the status object of ControllerModifyVolume operation
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**status** | **str** | status is the status of the ControllerModifyVolume operation. It can be in any of following states:  - Pending    Pending indicates that the PersistentVolumeClaim cannot be modified due to unmet requirements, such as    the specified VolumeAttributesClass not existing.  - InProgress    InProgress indicates that the volume is being modified.  - Infeasible   Infeasible indicates that the request has been rejected as invalid by the CSI driver. To    resolve the error, a valid VolumeAttributesClass needs to be specified. Note: New statuses can be added in the future. Consumers should check for unknown statuses and fail appropriately. | 
**target_volume_attributes_class_name** | **str** | targetVolumeAttributesClassName is the name of the VolumeAttributesClass the PVC currently being reconciled | [optional] 

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