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# V1alpha3AllocatedDeviceStatus
AllocatedDeviceStatus contains the status of an allocated device, if the driver chooses to report it. This may include driver-specific information.
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**conditions** | [**list[V1Condition]**](V1Condition.md) | Conditions contains the latest observation of the device's state. If the device has been configured according to the class and claim config references, the `Ready` condition should be True. | [optional]
**data** | [**object**](.md) | Data contains arbitrary driver-specific data. The length of the raw data must be smaller or equal to 10 Ki. | [optional]
**device** | **str** | Device references one device instance via its name in the driver's resource pool. It must be a DNS label. |
**driver** | **str** | Driver specifies the name of the DRA driver whose kubelet plugin should be invoked to process the allocation once the claim is needed on a node. Must be a DNS subdomain and should end with a DNS domain owned by the vendor of the driver. |
**network_data** | [**V1alpha3NetworkDeviceData**](V1alpha3NetworkDeviceData.md) | | [optional]
**pool** | **str** | This name together with the driver name and the device name field identify which device was allocated (`<driver name>/<pool name>/<device name>`). Must not be longer than 253 characters and may contain one or more DNS sub-domains separated by slashes. |
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