0ko 703aee4cad Remove EasyMDE from various areas

Removed from:
- form for creating comment
- form for updating comment
- popup reviewing form
- line reviewing form
- I did not check the use of textarea.tmpl but I belive its used for issue templates, so also removed
- I did not check the use of box.tmpl, could not get any comments on compare

EasyMDE is left for these pages:
- release notes editor
- wiki editor
2024-04-15 21:23:33 +05:00

24 lines
1,007 B
Go HTML Template

{{$useMarkdownEditor := not .item.Attributes.render}}
<div class="field {{if not .item.VisibleOnForm}}tw-hidden{{end}} {{if $useMarkdownEditor}}combo-editor-dropzone{{end}}">
{{template "repo/issue/fields/header" .}}
{{/* the real form element to provide the value */}}
<textarea class="form-field-real" name="form-field-{{.item.ID}}" placeholder="{{.item.Attributes.placeholder}}" {{if and .item.Validations.required}}required{{end}}>{{.item.Attributes.value}}</textarea>
{{if $useMarkdownEditor}}
{{template "shared/combomarkdowneditor" (dict
"ContainerClasses" "tw-hidden"
"MarkdownPreviewUrl" (print .root.RepoLink "/markup")
"MarkdownPreviewContext" .root.RepoLink
"TextareaContent" .item.Attributes.value
"TextareaPlaceholder" .item.Attributes.placeholder
"DropzoneParentContainer" ".combo-editor-dropzone"
{{if .root.IsAttachmentEnabled}}
<div class="tw-mt-4 form-field-dropzone tw-hidden">
{{template "repo/upload" .root}}