The message telling us that we recently pushed on a branch should include a link to said branch, not just a "New pull request" button. Signed-off-by: Gergely Nagy <> (cherry picked from commitd9662d03a4
) (cherry picked from commit2527e09125
12 lines
578 B
Go HTML Template
12 lines
578 B
Go HTML Template
{{range .RecentlyPushedNewBranches}}
<div class="ui positive message gt-df gt-ac">
<div class="gt-f1">
{{$timeSince := TimeSince .CommitTime.AsTime ctx.Locale}}
{{$branchLink := (print $.RepoLink "/src/branch/" (PathEscapeSegments .Name))}}
{{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.pulls.recently_pushed_new_branches" (Escape .Name) $timeSince $branchLink | Safe}}
<a role="button" class="ui compact positive button gt-m-0" href="{{$.Repository.ComposeBranchCompareURL $.Repository.BaseRepo .Name}}">
{{ctx.Locale.Tr "repo.pulls.compare_changes"}}