// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2018 Jonas Franz. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package migration

import "time"

// IssueContext is used to map between local and foreign issue/PR ids.
type IssueContext interface {
	LocalID() int64
	ForeignID() int64

// BasicIssueContext is a 1:1 mapping between local and foreign ids.
type BasicIssueContext int64

// LocalID gets the local id.
func (c BasicIssueContext) LocalID() int64 {
	return int64(c)

// ForeignID gets the foreign id.
func (c BasicIssueContext) ForeignID() int64 {
	return int64(c)

// Issue is a standard issue information
type Issue struct {
	Number      int64        `json:"number"`
	PosterID    int64        `yaml:"poster_id" json:"poster_id"`
	PosterName  string       `yaml:"poster_name" json:"poster_name"`
	PosterEmail string       `yaml:"poster_email" json:"poster_email"`
	Title       string       `json:"title"`
	Content     string       `json:"content"`
	Ref         string       `json:"ref"`
	Milestone   string       `json:"milestone"`
	State       string       `json:"state"` // closed, open
	IsLocked    bool         `yaml:"is_locked" json:"is_locked"`
	Created     time.Time    `json:"created"`
	Updated     time.Time    `json:"updated"`
	Closed      *time.Time   `json:"closed"`
	Labels      []*Label     `json:"labels"`
	Reactions   []*Reaction  `json:"reactions"`
	Assignees   []string     `json:"assignees"`
	Context     IssueContext `yaml:"-"`

// GetExternalName ExternalUserMigrated interface
func (i *Issue) GetExternalName() string { return i.PosterName }

// GetExternalID ExternalUserMigrated interface
func (i *Issue) GetExternalID() int64 { return i.PosterID }