#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e

# This script is used to copy the en-US content to our available locales as a
# fallback to always show all pages when displaying a specific locale that is
# missing some documents to be translated.
# Just execute the script without any argument and you will get the missing
# files copied into the content folder. We are calling this script within the CI
# server simply by `make trans-copy`.

declare -a LOCALES=(

ROOT=$(realpath $(dirname $0)/..)

for SOURCE in $(find ${ROOT}/content -type f -iname *.en-us.md); do
  for LOCALE in "${LOCALES[@]}"; do

    if [[ ! -f ${DEST} ]]; then
      echo "Creating fallback for ${DEST#${ROOT}/content/}"
      cp ${SOURCE} ${DEST}