2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
[中文 ](https://github.com/go-xorm/xorm/blob/master/README_CN.md )
Xorm is a simple and powerful ORM for Go.
2017-08-22 13:39:52 +02:00
[](https://circleci.com/gh/go-xorm/xorm) [](https://codecov.io/gh/go-xorm/xorm)
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
# Features
* Struct < - > Table Mapping Support
* Chainable APIs
* Transaction Support
* Both ORM and raw SQL operation Support
* Sync database schema Support
* Query Cache speed up
* Database Reverse support, See [Xorm Tool README ](https://github.com/go-xorm/cmd/blob/master/README.md )
* Simple cascade loading support
* Optimistic Locking support
* SQL Builder support via [github.com/go-xorm/builder ](https://github.com/go-xorm/builder )
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
* Automatical Read/Write seperatelly
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
# Drivers Support
Drivers for Go's sql package which currently support database/sql includes:
* Mysql: [github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql ](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql )
2017-09-13 07:18:22 +02:00
* MyMysql: [github.com/ziutek/mymysql/godrv ](https://github.com/ziutek/mymysql/tree/master/godrv )
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
* Postgres: [github.com/lib/pq ](https://github.com/lib/pq )
* Tidb: [github.com/pingcap/tidb ](https://github.com/pingcap/tidb )
* SQLite: [github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 ](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 )
* MsSql: [github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb ](https://github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb )
* Oracle: [github.com/mattn/go-oci8 ](https://github.com/mattn/go-oci8 ) (experiment)
# Changelog
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
* **v0.6.4**
* Automatical Read/Write seperatelly
* Query/QueryString/QueryInterface and action with Where/And
* Get support non-struct variables
* BufferSize on Iterate
* fix some other bugs.
2017-08-22 13:39:52 +02:00
* **v0.6.3**
* merge tests to main project
* add `Exist` function
* add `SumInt` function
* Mysql now support read and create column comment.
* fix time related bugs.
* fix some other bugs.
2017-04-07 03:47:25 +02:00
* **v0.6.2**
* refactor tag parse methods
* add Scan features to Get
* add QueryString method
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
[More changes ... ](https://github.com/go-xorm/manual-en-US/tree/master/chapter-16 )
# Installation
go get github.com/go-xorm/xorm
# Documents
* [Manual ](http://xorm.io/docs )
* [GoDoc ](http://godoc.org/github.com/go-xorm/xorm )
* [GoWalker ](http://gowalker.org/github.com/go-xorm/xorm )
# Quick Start
* Create Engine
engine, err := xorm.NewEngine(driverName, dataSourceName)
* Define a struct and Sync2 table struct to database
type User struct {
Id int64
Name string
Salt string
Age int
Passwd string `xorm:"varchar(200)"`
Created time.Time `xorm:"created"`
Updated time.Time `xorm:"updated"`
err := engine.Sync2(new(User))
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
* Create Engine Group
dataSourceNameSlice := []string{masterDataSourceName, slave1DataSourceName, slave2DataSourceName}
engineGroup, err := xorm.NewEngineGroup(driverName, dataSourceNameSlice)
masterEngine, err := xorm.NewEngine(driverName, masterDataSourceName)
slave1Engine, err := xorm.NewEngine(driverName, slave1DataSourceName)
slave2Engine, err := xorm.NewEngine(driverName, slave2DataSourceName)
engineGroup, err := xorm.NewEngineGroup(masterEngine, []*Engine{slave1Engine, slave2Engine})
Then all place where `engine` you can just use `engineGroup` .
* `Query` runs a SQL string, the returned results is `[]map[string][]byte` , `QueryString` returns `[]map[string]string` , `QueryInterface` returns `[]map[string]interface{}` .
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
results, err := engine.Query("select * from user")
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
results, err := engine.Where("a = 1").Query()
2017-04-07 03:47:25 +02:00
results, err := engine.QueryString("select * from user")
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
results, err := engine.Where("a = 1").QueryString()
results, err := engine.QueryInterface("select * from user")
results, err := engine.Where("a = 1").QueryInterface()
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
* `Exec` runs a SQL string, it returns `affected` and `error`
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
affected, err := engine.Exec("update user set age = ? where name = ?", age, name)
2017-04-07 03:47:25 +02:00
* `Insert` one or multiple records to database
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
affected, err := engine.Insert(& user)
// INSERT INTO struct () values ()
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
affected, err := engine.Insert(& user1, & user2)
// INSERT INTO struct1 () values ()
// INSERT INTO struct2 () values ()
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
affected, err := engine.Insert(& users)
// INSERT INTO struct () values (),(),()
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
affected, err := engine.Insert(& user1, & users)
// INSERT INTO struct1 () values ()
// INSERT INTO struct2 () values (),(),()
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
* `Get` query one record from database
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
has, err := engine.Get(& user)
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
has, err := engine.Where("name = ?", name).Desc("id").Get(& user)
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
2017-04-07 03:47:25 +02:00
var name string
has, err := engine.Where("id = ?", id).Cols("name").Get(& name)
// SELECT name FROM user WHERE id = ?
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
2017-04-07 03:47:25 +02:00
var id int64
has, err := engine.Where("name = ?", name).Cols("id").Get(& id)
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
has, err := engine.SQL("select id from user").Get(& id)
2017-04-07 03:47:25 +02:00
// SELECT id FROM user WHERE name = ?
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
2017-04-07 03:47:25 +02:00
var valuesMap = make(map[string]string)
has, err := engine.Where("id = ?", id).Get(& valuesMap)
// SELECT * FROM user WHERE id = ?
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
2017-04-07 03:47:25 +02:00
var valuesSlice = make([]interface{}, len(cols))
has, err := engine.Where("id = ?", id).Cols(cols...).Get(& valuesSlice)
// SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM user WHERE id = ?
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
* `Exist` check if one record exist on table
2017-08-22 13:39:52 +02:00
has, err := testEngine.Exist(new(RecordExist))
// SELECT * FROM record_exist LIMIT 1
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
2017-08-22 13:39:52 +02:00
has, err = testEngine.Exist(& RecordExist{
Name: "test1",
// SELECT * FROM record_exist WHERE name = ? LIMIT 1
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
2017-08-22 13:39:52 +02:00
has, err = testEngine.Where("name = ?", "test1").Exist(& RecordExist{})
// SELECT * FROM record_exist WHERE name = ? LIMIT 1
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
2017-08-22 13:39:52 +02:00
has, err = testEngine.SQL("select * from record_exist where name = ?", "test1").Exist()
// select * from record_exist where name = ?
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
2017-08-22 13:39:52 +02:00
has, err = testEngine.Table("record_exist").Exist()
// SELECT * FROM record_exist LIMIT 1
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
2017-08-22 13:39:52 +02:00
has, err = testEngine.Table("record_exist").Where("name = ?", "test1").Exist()
// SELECT * FROM record_exist WHERE name = ? LIMIT 1
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
* `Find` query multiple records from database, also you can use join and extends
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
var users []User
err := engine.Where("name = ?", name).And("age > 10").Limit(10, 0).Find(& users)
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
// SELECT * FROM user WHERE name = ? AND age > 10 limit 10 offset 0
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
type Detail struct {
Id int64
UserId int64 `xorm:"index"`
type UserDetail struct {
User `xorm:"extends"`
Detail `xorm:"extends"`
var users []UserDetail
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
err := engine.Table("user").Select("user.*, detail.*").
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
Join("INNER", "detail", "detail.user_id = user.id").
Where("user.name = ?", name).Limit(10, 0).
Find(& users)
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
// SELECT user.*, detail.* FROM user INNER JOIN detail WHERE user.name = ? limit 10 offset 0
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
* `Iterate` and `Rows` query multiple records and record by record handle, there are two methods Iterate and Rows
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
err := engine.Iterate(& User{Name:name}, func(idx int, bean interface{}) error {
user := bean.(*User)
return nil
// SELECT * FROM user
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
err := engine.BufferSize(100).Iterate(& User{Name:name}, func(idx int, bean interface{}) error {
user := bean.(*User)
return nil
// SELECT * FROM user Limit 0, 100
// SELECT * FROM user Limit 101, 100
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
rows, err := engine.Rows(& User{Name:name})
// SELECT * FROM user
defer rows.Close()
bean := new(Struct)
for rows.Next() {
err = rows.Scan(bean)
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
* `Update` update one or more records, default will update non-empty and non-zero fields except when you use Cols, AllCols and so on.
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
affected, err := engine.Id(1).Update(& user)
// UPDATE user SET ... Where id = ?
affected, err := engine.Update(& user, & User{Name:name})
// UPDATE user SET ... Where name = ?
var ids = []int64{1, 2, 3}
affected, err := engine.In("id", ids).Update(& user)
// UPDATE user SET ... Where id IN (?, ?, ?)
// force update indicated columns by Cols
affected, err := engine.Id(1).Cols("age").Update(& User{Name:name, Age: 12})
// UPDATE user SET age = ?, updated=? Where id = ?
// force NOT update indicated columns by Omit
affected, err := engine.Id(1).Omit("name").Update(& User{Name:name, Age: 12})
// UPDATE user SET age = ?, updated=? Where id = ?
affected, err := engine.Id(1).AllCols().Update(& user)
// UPDATE user SET name=?,age=?,salt=?,passwd=?,updated=? Where id = ?
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
* `Delete` delete one or more records, Delete MUST have condition
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
affected, err := engine.Where(...).Delete(& user)
// DELETE FROM user Where ...
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
affected, err := engine.ID(2).Delete(& user)
// DELETE FROM user Where id = ?
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
* `Count` count records
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
counts, err := engine.Count(& user)
// SELECT count(*) AS total FROM user
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
* `Sum` sum functions
agesFloat64, err := engine.Sum(& user, "age")
// SELECT sum(age) AS total FROM user
agesInt64, err := engine.SumInt(& user, "age")
// SELECT sum(age) AS total FROM user
sumFloat64Slice, err := engine.Sums(& user, "age", "score")
// SELECT sum(age), sum(score) FROM user
sumInt64Slice, err := engine.SumsInt(& user, "age", "score")
// SELECT sum(age), sum(score) FROM user
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
* Query conditions builder
err := engine.Where(builder.NotIn("a", 1, 2).And(builder.In("b", "c", "d", "e"))).Find(& users)
// SELECT id, name ... FROM user WHERE a NOT IN (?, ?) AND b IN (?, ?, ?)
2018-01-27 16:20:59 +01:00
* Multiple operations in one go routine, no transation here but resue session memory
session := engine.NewSession()
defer session.Close()
user1 := Userinfo{Username: "xiaoxiao", Departname: "dev", Alias: "lunny", Created: time.Now()}
if _, err := session.Insert(&user1); err != nil {
return err
user2 := Userinfo{Username: "yyy"}
if _, err := session.Where("id = ?", 2).Update(&user2); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := session.Exec("delete from userinfo where username = ?", user2.Username); err != nil {
return err
return nil
* Transation should on one go routine. There is transaction and resue session memory
session := engine.NewSession()
defer session.Close()
// add Begin() before any action
if err := session.Begin(); err != nil {
// if returned then will rollback automatically
return err
user1 := Userinfo{Username: "xiaoxiao", Departname: "dev", Alias: "lunny", Created: time.Now()}
if _, err := session.Insert(&user1); err != nil {
return err
user2 := Userinfo{Username: "yyy"}
if _, err := session.Where("id = ?", 2).Update(&user2); err != nil {
return err
if _, err := session.Exec("delete from userinfo where username = ?", user2.Username); err != nil {
return err
// add Commit() after all actions
return session.Commit()
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
# Cases
2017-08-22 13:39:52 +02:00
* [studygolang ](http://studygolang.com/ ) - [github.com/studygolang/studygolang ](https://github.com/studygolang/studygolang )
* [Gitea ](http://gitea.io ) - [github.com/go-gitea/gitea ](http://github.com/go-gitea/gitea )
* [Gogs ](http://try.gogits.org ) - [github.com/gogits/gogs ](http://github.com/gogits/gogs )
* [grafana ](https://grafana.com/ ) - [github.com/grafana/grafana ](http://github.com/grafana/grafana )
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
* [github.com/m3ng9i/qreader ](https://github.com/m3ng9i/qreader )
* [Wego ](http://github.com/go-tango/wego )
* [Docker.cn ](https://docker.cn/ )
2017-08-22 13:39:52 +02:00
* [Xorm Adapter ](https://github.com/casbin/xorm-adapter ) for [Casbin ](https://github.com/casbin/casbin ) - [github.com/casbin/xorm-adapter ](https://github.com/casbin/xorm-adapter )
2016-11-03 23:16:01 +01:00
* [Gorevel ](http://gorevel.cn/ ) - [github.com/goofcc/gorevel ](http://github.com/goofcc/gorevel )
* [Gowalker ](http://gowalker.org ) - [github.com/Unknwon/gowalker ](http://github.com/Unknwon/gowalker )
* [Gobuild.io ](http://gobuild.io ) - [github.com/shxsun/gobuild ](http://github.com/shxsun/gobuild )
* [Sudo China ](http://sudochina.com ) - [github.com/insionng/toropress ](http://github.com/insionng/toropress )
* [Godaily ](http://godaily.org ) - [github.com/govc/godaily ](http://github.com/govc/godaily )
* [YouGam ](http://www.yougam.com/ )
* [GoCMS - github.com/zzboy/GoCMS ](https://github.com/zzdboy/GoCMS )
* [GoBBS - gobbs.domolo.com ](http://gobbs.domolo.com/ )
* [go-blog ](http://wangcheng.me ) - [github.com/easykoo/go-blog ](https://github.com/easykoo/go-blog )
# Discuss
Please visit [Xorm on Google Groups ](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/xorm )
# Contributing
If you want to pull request, please see [CONTRIBUTING ](https://github.com/go-xorm/xorm/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md )
BSD License
[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/BSD/ ](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/BSD/ )