import discord import asyncio import time import datetime import random import os from os import system from os import environ from discord.ext import commands def left(s, amount): return s[:amount] def right(s, amount): return s[-amount:] def mid(s, offset, amount): return s[offset:offset+amount] token = os.environ['TOKEN'] bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=os.environ['PREFIX']) client = discord.Client() def admin(ctx): if ctx.guild.get_role(261603488331595776) in return True def member(ctx): if ctx.guild.get_role(261603747711418371) in return True def is_admin(): async def predicate(ctx): if ctx.guild.get_role(261603488331595776) in return True return commands.check(predicate) def is_member(): async def predicate(ctx): if ctx.guild.get_role(261603747711418371) in return True return commands.check(predicate) def is_gm(): async def predicate(ctx): if ctx.guild.get_role(511893805956595722) in return True return commands.check(predicate) emojinumbers = ["0\u20E3", "1\u20E3" , "2\u20E3" , "3\u20E3" , "4\u20E3" , "5\u20E3" , "6\u20E3" , "7\u20E3" , "8\u20E3" , "9\u20E3"] bot.help_command = commands.DefaultHelpCommand(dm_help=False, no_category="Befehle die du nutzen kannst:") @bot.event async def on_command_error(ctx, error): await ctx.message.delete() print(error) em = discord.Embed(title="Error", description=error, colour=0xFF0000) await ctx.send(content="ups, da ist wohl was schief gegangen :( traurige Bot Geräusche...", embed=em, delete_after=20) @bot.event async def on_ready(): print("Bot ready on Version %s..." % discord.__version__) @bot.command(help="Wirft den gleichen Text zurück.", usage="", hidden=True) @is_admin() async def test(ctx, arg): await ctx.send(arg) @bot.command(help="veraltet", usage="") @is_member() async def yesno(ctx): await ctx.message.delete() await ctx.send(content="Sorry das geht so nicht. Der Befehl hat sich geändert in !vote... für mehr Informationen schreib bitte !help oder frage deinen Admin oder Apotheker. Liebste Grüße, SecondBot <3", delete_after=20.0) @bot.command(help="Zeigt alte Hilfe", usage="") @is_member() async def helpme(ctx): if admin(ctx): admin_text = "\n\n!add = Hinzufügen einer Rolle mit Textchannel und hinzufügen von Usern zur Rolle\nNutzung: !add \"\" \n\n!labor = bringt dich ins Labor :)\nNutzung: !labor\n\n!start = Starte ne Runde PnP\nNutzung: !start @Rolle\n\n!stop = Beende die gestartete Runde PnP\nNutzung: !stop\n\n!purge = Löschen von Nachrichten\nNutzung: !purge all||x minutes/hours/days/weeks\n\n!prune - kickt Member ohne Rolle, die 30 Tage nicht online waren\nNutzung: !prune" else: admin_text = "" em = discord.Embed(title="Hilfe",description="!survey = Umfrage mit mehreren Antwortmöglichkeiten\nNutzung: !survey | | ...\n\n!vote = Ja/Nein Umfrage\nNutzung: !vote \n\n!love = zeige einem User Liebe\nNutzung: !love <@User1> <@User2> ...\n\n!roll = Rolle einen oder mehrere Würfel\nNutzung: !roll W (z.B. !roll W20 oder !roll 10W6)%s" % admin_text, colour=0x00FF00) if == None: await await @bot.command(help="Umfrage mit mehreren Antwortmöglichkeiten", usage=" | | ...") @is_member() async def survey(ctx, *, arg): await ctx.message.delete() answers = arg.split("|") question = answers[0] answers.remove(question) desc = "" z = 1 for y in answers: desc = desc + emojinumbers[z] + " - " + y + "\n" z = z + 1 em = discord.Embed(title=question, description=desc, colour=0x00E0FF) em.set_author(, url=discord.Embed.Empty, ask_msg = await ctx.send(content="||@here||",embed=em) a = 0 for x in emojinumbers: if a < z and a != 0: await ask_msg.add_reaction(x) a = a + 1 @bot.command(help="Umfrage bearbeiten", usage="ID | | | ...", hidden=True) @is_member() async def surveyedit(ctx, *, arg): #Nutzung: !surveyedit ID | | | ... await ctx.message.delete() answers = arg.split("|") survey_id = answers[0] question = answers[1] answers.remove(survey_id) answers.remove(question) desc = "" z = 1 for y in answers: desc = desc + emojinumbers[z] + " - " + y + "\n" z = z + 1 em = discord.Embed(title=question, description=desc, colour=0x00E0FF) em.set_author(, url=discord.Embed.Empty, survey_msg = await await survey_msg.edit(embed=em) @bot.command(help="Ja/Nein Umfrage", usage="") @is_member() async def vote(ctx, *, arg): await ctx.message.delete() em = discord.Embed(description=arg, colour=0x00E0FF) em.set_author(, url=discord.Embed.Empty, ask_msg = await ctx.send(content="||@here||",embed=em) for x in ["✅", "❔", "❌"]: await ask_msg.add_reaction(x) @bot.command(help="", usage="", hidden=True) @is_admin() async def say(ctx, *, arg): await ctx.message.delete() em = discord.Embed(description=arg, colour=0x00E0FF) await await message.delete() @bot.command(help="Starte ne Runde PnP", usage="@Rolle") @is_gm() async def start(ctx, role_id): await ctx.message.delete() role_id = right(left(role_id, len(role_id)-1), len(role_id) - 4) for r in if str( == role_id: role = r em = discord.Embed(description='gespieltes PnP: %s\nTeilnehmer (zum Start):' % role.mention, colour=0x00770d) move_member = [] for c in ctx.guild.channels: if str(c.type) == "voice": for m in c.members: if role in m.roles: move_member.append(m) for m in move_member: await m.move_to(bot.get_channel(435869507123281920)) em.add_field(name=":white_check_mark: " + m.display_name, value = m.mention + "ist am Start! Juhu!", inline=False) start_msg = await bot.get_channel(435501602485305345).send(content=":game_die: **INFO: PnP Sitzung gestartet!**",embed=em) text_file = open("start_id.txt", "w") text_file.write(str( text_file.close() @bot.command(help="Beende die gestartete Runde PnP", usage="") @is_gm() async def stop(ctx): await ctx.message.delete() text_file = open("start_id.txt", "r") start_id = text_file.close() start_msg = await bot.get_channel(435501602485305345).fetch_message(start_id) now_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0) then_time = start_msg.created_at.replace(microsecond=0) dauer = str(now_time - then_time) for m in client.get_channel(435869507123281920).members: await m.move_to(client.get_channel(801869864745697280)) await start_msg.edit(content=":game_die: **INFO: PnP Sitzung beendet!** Dauer: %s" % dauer) @bot.command(help="bringt dich ins Labor :)", usage="") @is_admin() async def labor(ctx): await ctx.message.delete() await @bot.command(help="Hinzufügen einer Rolle mit Textchannel und hinzufügen von Usern zur Rolle", usage="\"\" ") @is_admin() async def add(ctx, *, arg): await ctx.message.delete() try: role_name = ctx.message.content.split("\"")[1] text_name = role_name.lower().replace(" ", "-") role = await ctx.guild.create_role(name=role_name, mentionable=True) overwrites = { ctx.guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False), role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True) } channel = await ctx.guild.create_text_channel(text_name, overwrites=overwrites, topic="Dieser Channel wurde von SecondBot erstellt.") for user in ctx.message.mentions: await user.add_roles(role) em = discord.Embed(title=':loudspeaker: Ein neuer Channel für %s!' % role_name, description='Herzlich Willkommen! Es gibt nun eine neue Gruppe %s und diesen wunderbaren Channel hier! Der Channel ist nur für euch und die Admins sichtbar.' % role.mention, colour=0xffa500) await channel.send(embed=em) except Exception as e: em = discord.Embed(title="Error Code", description=e, color=0xff0000) await"Das hat nicht funktioniert. Syntax: !add \"\" ", embed=em, delete_after=20.0) @bot.command(help="Löschen von Nachrichten", usage="all||x minutes/hours/days/weeks") @is_admin() async def purge(ctx, *, arg): #Nutzung: !purge all||x minutes/hours/days/weeks await ctx.message.delete() by_limit = False by_time = False try: if ctx.message.content.split(" ")[2] == "minutes": by_time = True delta = datetime.timedelta(minutes=int(ctx.message.content.split(" ")[1])) if ctx.message.content.split(" ")[2] == "hours": by_time = True delta = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(ctx.message.content.split(" ")[1])) if ctx.message.content.split(" ")[2] == "days": by_time = True delta = datetime.timedelta(days=int(ctx.message.content.split(" ")[1])) if ctx.message.content.split(" ")[2] == "weeks": by_time = True delta = datetime.timedelta(weeks=int(ctx.message.content.split(" ")[1])) except IndexError: try: if ctx.message.content.split(" ")[1] == "all": by_limit = True limit = None else: by_limit = True limit = int(ctx.message.content.split(" ")[1]) except: print("List error, ploz ignore") except: print("List error, ploz ignore") if by_time: after_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - delta question = await ctx.send("Would you really like to delete all messages of the last {} {}?".format(ctx.message.content.split(" ")[1], ctx.message.content.split(" ")[2])) def check(reaction, user): return user == and str(reaction.emoji) == "✅" await question.add_reaction("✅") try: reaction, user = await bot.wait_for("reaction_add", timeout=60.0, check=check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await question.delete() else: await question.delete() deleted = await, after=after_time) await ctx.send(content='Ich habe {} Nachrichten gelöscht.'.format(len(deleted)), delete_after=5.0) if by_limit: if limit == None: count = "alle" else: count = str(limit) question = await ctx.send("Sollen wirklich {} Nachrichten gelöscht werden?".format(count)) def check(reaction, user): return user == and str(reaction.emoji) == "✅" await question.add_reaction("✅") try: reaction, user = await bot.wait_for("reaction_add", timeout=60.0, check=check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await question.delete() else: await question.delete() deleted = await await ctx.send(content='Ich habe {} Nachrichten gelöscht.'.format(len(deleted)), delete_after=5.0) @bot.command(help="zeige einem User Liebe", usage="<@User1> <@User2> ...") @is_member() async def love(ctx, *, arg): await ctx.message.delete() for user in ctx.message.mentions: if user.dm_channel == None: await user.create_dm() await user.dm_channel.send("❤️") @bot.command(help="kickt Member ohne Rolle, die 30 Tage nicht online waren", usage="") @is_admin() async def prune(ctx): await ctx.message.delete() count = await ctx.guild.estimate_pruned_members(days=30) question = await"Sollen wirklich {} Leichen gekickt werden?".format(count)) def check(reaction, user): return user == and str(reaction.emoji) == "✅" await question.add_reaction("✅") try: reaction, user = await bot.wait_for("reaction_add", timeout=60.0, check=check) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await question.delete() else: await question.delete() deleted = await ctx.guild.prune_members(days=30) await ctx.send(content='Ich habe {} Leichen beseitigt.'.format(deleted), delete_after=5.0) @bot.command(help="Rolle einen oder mehrere Würfel", usage="W (z.B. !roll W20 oder !roll 10W6)") @is_member() async def roll(ctx, arg): await ctx.message.delete() rollt = 0 rolle = " " roll = arg.lower() if "d" in roll: rolls = "d" if "w" in roll: rolls = "w" rollc = roll.split(rolls)[0] if rollc == "": rollc = 1 else: rollc = int(rollc) rolld = int(roll.split(rolls)[1]) for x in range(rollc): rollo = random.randint(1, rolld) rollt = rollt + rollo rolle = rolle + " :game_die: " + str(rollo) + " " if rollc > 1: rolltotal = "Total: " + str(rollt) else: rolltotal = "" if rollc > 12: rolltotal = rolle + "\n" + rolltotal rolle = "" em = discord.Embed(title=rolle, description=rolltotal, colour=0x009933) await ctx.send(embed=em)