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mirror of https://github.com/nextcloud/docker.git synced 2025-03-16 11:25:09 +01:00
Malanik Jan b1cf796d55 POC: Introduce Nextcloud based on Nginx web server.
This PR introduce POC of Nextcloud based on Nginx web server with php-fpm in separated container.
Basic installation with SQLite and few operations in web gui were tested.

Nginx dockerfile is generated from Dockerfile-nginx.template
  - FROM string has hardcoded variant - apache
  - There is no upstream PHP image with Nginx, due this generate-stackbrew-library is not able to identify parent correctly

New files were introduced in image:
  - Dockerfile-nginx.template
  - nginx-foreground
    + simulates behavior of apache2-foreground cmd
  - 16.0/nginx/Dockerfile
    + generated from template Dockerfile-nginx.template
  - nextcloud.confx
    + Nginx vhost configuration
  - start_net.sh (temporary)
    + Helper script to create user-defined network for Docker
    + '--link' option for docker create is obsolete and we need communication between fpm and nginx container
  - start_container.sh (temporary)
    + Helper script to handle containers
  - Dockerfile
    + /Dockerfile for verification purposes
Updated files:
  - set -x added to all shell scripts for easier troubleshooting (temporary)
  - update.sh
    + New variant introduced
    + Number of builded variant is limited for simplified CI.
  - .travis.yml (temporary)
    + Image push to registry for testing purposes
  - docker-entrypoint.sh
    + Recognizes new argument for entrypoint - nginx-foreground

Be careful during review, github recognizes removed files for 15.0 release as renamed to 16.0/nginx variant

  - I have openvz based VPS where only old Docker 1.10 is supported.
  - Apache(in nextcloud container) in combination Nginx as a reverse proxy for multiple vhosts doesn't work correctly

Image pull link:
docker pull 1john2ci/nextcloud:apache-20190509
docker pull 1john2ci/nextcloud:fpm-20190509
Travis CI test: https://travis-ci.org/1john2/docker/builds/530329740

Deployment notes:
  - Clone source code
  - Create user-defined network for Docker
  - Start fpm container
  - Start nginx container
2019-05-09 21:41:49 +02:00

124 lines
3.6 KiB
Executable file

set -xEeuo pipefail
declare -A release_channel=(
self="$(basename "$BASH_SOURCE")"
cd "$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$BASH_SOURCE")")"
# Get the most recent commit which modified any of "$@".
fileCommit() {
commit="$(git log -1 --format='format:%H' HEAD -- "$@")"
if [ -z "$commit" ]; then
# return some valid sha1 hash to make bashbrew happy
echo '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
echo "$commit"
# Get the most recent commit which modified "$1/Dockerfile" or any file that
# the Dockerfile copies into the rootfs (with COPY).
dockerfileCommit() {
local dir="$1"; shift
cd "$dir";
fileCommit Dockerfile \
$(awk '
toupper($1) == "COPY" {
for (i = 2; i < NF; i++)
print $i;
' Dockerfile)
getArches() {
local repo="$1"; shift
local officialImagesUrl='https://github.com/docker-library/official-images/raw/master/library/'
eval "declare -g -A parentRepoToArches=( $(
find -maxdepth 3 -name 'Dockerfile' -exec awk '
toupper($1) == "FROM" && $2 !~ /^('"$repo"'|scratch|microsoft\/[^:]+)(:|$)/ {
print "'"$officialImagesUrl"'" $2
' '{}' + \
| sort -u \
| xargs bashbrew cat --format '[{{ .RepoName }}:{{ .TagName }}]="{{ join " " .TagEntry.Architectures }}"'
) )"
getArches 'nextcloud'
# Header.
cat <<-EOH
# This file is generated via https://github.com/nextcloud/docker/blob/$(fileCommit "$self")/$self
Maintainers: Nextcloud <docker@nextcloud.com> (@nextcloud)
GitRepo: https://github.com/nextcloud/docker.git
# prints "$2$1$3$1...$N"
join() {
local sep="$1"; shift
local out; printf -v out "${sep//%/%%}%s" "$@"
echo "${out#$sep}"
latest=$( curl -fsSL 'https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/' |tac|tac| \
grep -oE 'nextcloud-[[:digit:]]+(\.[[:digit:]]+){2}' | \
grep -oE '[[:digit:]]+(\.[[:digit:]]+){2}' | \
sort -uV | \
tail -1 )
# Generate each of the tags.
versions=( */ )
versions=( "${versions[@]%/}" )
for version in "${versions[@]}"; do
variants=( $version/*/ )
variants=( $(for variant in "${variants[@]%/}"; do
echo "$(basename "$variant")"
done) )
for variant in "${variants[@]}"; do
commit="$(dockerfileCommit "$version/$variant")"
fullversion_with_extension="$( awk '$1 == "ENV" && $2 == "NEXTCLOUD_VERSION" { print $3; exit }' "$version/$variant/Dockerfile" )"
fullversion="$( echo "$fullversion_with_extension" | grep -oE '[[:digit:]]+(\.[[:digit:]]+){2}')"
versionAliases=( )
if [ "$fullversion_with_extension" != "$fullversion" ]; then
versionAliases=( "$fullversion_with_extension" )
versionPostfix="-$( echo "$fullversion_with_extension" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | grep -oE '(beta|rc|alpha)')"
versionAliases+=( "$fullversion$versionPostfix" "${fullversion%.*}$versionPostfix" "${fullversion%.*.*}$versionPostfix" )
if [ "$fullversion_with_extension" = "$latest" ]; then
versionAliases+=( "latest" )
for channel in "${!release_channel[@]}"; do
if [ "$fullversion_with_extension" = "${release_channel[$channel]}" ]; then
versionAliases+=( "$channel" )
variantAliases=( "${versionAliases[@]/%/-$variant}" )
variantAliases=( "${variantAliases[@]//latest-}" )
if [ "$variant" = "apache" ]; then
variantAliases+=( "${versionAliases[@]}" )
variantParent="$(awk 'toupper($1) == "FROM" { print $2 }' "$version/$variant/Dockerfile")"
cat <<-EOE
Tags: $(join ', ' "${variantAliases[@]}")
Architectures: $(join ', ' $variantArches)
GitCommit: $commit
Directory: $version/$variant